Matt had his first lesson of snowboarding yesterday ... would have liked to have stayed and watched but I had my own skiing lesson. By the end of the lesson he was doing pretty well. (Check out his bunny tail in pic 2).

And ..... drum roll please .... I can now get off the chairlift without stacking it. Something I was wondering if I was ever going to master. Had another lesson in the afternoon with Pamela (who has permanent frost bite in her toes but still skis ... 'cos it's my life'). Am finalling learning how to take some speed off in those downhills so i'm no longer hurtling down the hill pretending i'm doing it on purpose. The other lady in the class, Rosemary, always wanted me to go first down the hill in case I took her out. Ye of little faith. I couldn't believe how slow she went down the steep bits. Something I wanted to half-master ... otherwise it would take me all day to get down one run.
I've stayed back at the house today with Louise (Dave's daughter). My knees have decided that they don't like skiing anymore and are telling me loudly. Was so nice to sleep in. Only one more skiing opportunity tomorrow before we drive back to Vancouver on Sunday and then head to London on Monday for our new life. Can't say I'm real keen to get a job!! We're currently staying with Lisa and Dave (both retired) and their friends Dale and Kaye (both retired). Both couples spend their time doing 'whatever they bloody want'. Where do I sign up? Unfortunately we might run out of money a bit too soon .... ho hum.
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